Attractive and comfortable towels and robes are essential amenities for the guestrooms and suites in your resort, hotel, motel, inn, B&B, holiday apartments and short-term-visit cottages today. Guests of all ages appreciate the comfort and luxury of fine quality bath linens during their stays in your guest accommodations.
By supplying your guests with ultimate caliber towels and robes, you will enhance their visits and make them feel welcome and appreciated. When you select bath towels and robes made of ultimate quality, fashionable, and lasting Egyptian cotton, your guests will enjoy these luxurious items thoroughly and most likely book a future stay in your guest establishment before leaving.
• Egyptian Cotton 700 GSM Bath Towel
This luxurious Egyptian cotton bath towel is from the prestigious Saville Row Private Collection. Its plush, upscale weave, texture and overall quality will please you and all of your guests. Both ultra-stylish and comfortable, it is made from ultimate quality Egyptian cotton and offers a full, rich surface elegance. Its soft yet durable finish gives it a definite edge over other competing bath linen brands. This top commercial grade towel in pure white, measures 70 cm. by 150 cm. and weighs 700 GSM. It is a favored product among 5-Star hotels and optimal quality guest accommodations of all types today. This highly attractive and popular Saville Row bath towel will enhance your bath decor and all the other features of your guestrooms, suites and apartments, or cottages.
Price: $23.80 for one towel and six or more towels at $22.60 each.
• Yorkshire Deep Plush Waffle Robe with Two Free Eye Masks
This elegant Yorkshire Deep Plush Waffle Robe represents the ultimate quality in bathrobes produced today for a luxurious lifestyle when at home or traveling. Most all owners and management of finest quality guest accommodations agree with Coco Chanel’s belief that luxury must provide total comfort in order to be true luxury. This fashionable embossed robe offers ultimate comfort, warmth and softness along with long-term durability. Its thick, lush waffle weave resists thread pulls and other surface imperfections.
It is the all-around ideal robe for relaxing with a glass of Champagne during winter following a soothing visit to the spa or after a massage. Produced from 100 percent pure, luxurious Egyptian cotton, this robe has a comfortable shawl collar, tailored piped cuffs and a pair of pockets along with a waffle waist band. This exclusive design from Hotel Products Direct also offers elegant silver trim. This robe is styled to fit both men and women and weighs 1270 grams. This high-fashion robe comes with one black and one pink complimentary eye mask.
Price: $99.00 each.
By choosing Hotel Products Direct as the supplier of elegant and luxurious bath towels and robes made of finest Egyptian cotton as essential amenities for the guestrooms and suites in your guest establishment, you will provide travelers with ultimate luxury and comfort. You can order these top-tier products online from our company website for your convenience. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff members are always available to answer any questions and to expedite your every order with highest levels of friendly efficiency.