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Hotel Housekeeping and Cleaning Supplies: Essential Items to Monitor All the Time

As the owner-operator or manager of a hotel or motel, inn, guest house, B&B, serviced apartment complex or holiday house, you know how important it is to keep an adequate supply of housekeeping products and cleaning supplies in-house at all times. These essential supplies should also be monitored all the time and especially during busy holiday seasons to ensure that your guest establishment will never run out of necessary housekeeping items.

Since one of the major housekeeping activities in guest accommodations of all types is doing laundry to maintain good supplies of clean linens for guest rooms, laundry products are an essential item to be sure to keep in stock.

Essential Housekeeping Supplies to Monitor and Keep in Stock at All Times for Your Guest Establishment

The following items are essential housekeeping aids and supplies that should always be kept in good supply for use in your hotel, guest house, inn, B&B, serviced apartments or other guest accommodations:

Blue (Green, Red, Yellow or Purple) Laundry Bag

This attractive and durable guest room laundry bag is made of 100 percent Polyester material and measures 82 cm by 75 cm. It has a drawstring closure with a sliding lock and can accommodate up to 18 KG of laundry. This bag has two sturdy carry straps and offers a zinc-coated, T-shaped stand. Available in five colours, this bag is convenient for separating different linen items in preparation for laundering. Price: $13.50. Ten or more bags can be purchased at $12.80 each, and twenty or more, for $12.00 each.

• Antibacterial Laundry Powder

This Feeling Fresh laundry powder has an active antibacterial formula and a delightful lime fragrance. It is an environmentally friendly formula that is low foaming. It is especially recommended for use in front loading washing machines. The light, natural lime fragrance keeps guest rooms fresh and airy. Each laundry powder sachet contains 40 grams of powder, and there are 126 sachets per carton. Every packet measures 7 by 12 cm. Price: $49.50 per carton. Four or more cartons can be purchased for $46.00 each.

By visiting Hotel Products Direct online, you can easily select and order a wide variety of products for maintaining and enhancing the guest rooms and suites of your hotel, motel, holiday house, B&B or other guest establishment. Our quality selection of products and supplies will keep your establishment in fashionable, fresh style at all times and can be purchased in varied quantities to meet your specific preferences and needs.

We offer the latest in guest accommodation establishment products to appeal to modern travelers of all ages and from many different locations. Many of our products are eco-friendly, green products since environmentally protective products and lifestyles are currently preferred in many different locations, both domestic and international.